20 July 2011

Artist Interview: Skinny laMinx

You know that warm feeling of contentedness that overcomes you subconsciously when looking or being around something? That fuzzy sensation where you just melt into this knowledge that it all works out no matter what...it kinds of goes hand in hand with the statement, "Woah! I really like this!" or "Uh, yeah! I really like that!"

Those feelings slap deliciously across my forehead when I look at Heather Moore's (of Skinny laMinx) lovely art. She has a style that tickles my senses but also makes me feel connected to something. I can't really describe what but it is an interesting feeling.

Without further personal ramblings, meet the brain behind Skinny la Minx!!

1. Who are you/tell us a bit about yourself?
I'm a self-taught surface designer with a company called Skinny laMinx. I live in Cape Town, South Africa, where I produce screenprinted textile products that can be found for sale in stores all over the world. I love living in Cape Town, which is a beautiful city with lovely beaches, a mountain in the middle of the city and wonderful cloud formations. 
2. What words of wisdom could would you give to aspiring create-tees?
I've always been careful to have other, regular-paying work going on alongside my creative work. Of course, this puts pressure on your time, but the importance of having a separate income at the same time as getting started on your creative business is that it enables you to make things you like rather than trying to make things that will sell. 

You can learn more about Skinny laMinx here:
and shop Skinny laMinx here:

(Much thanks to Heather for her willingness to be interviewed!! Best wishes!!)
Have a great night everyone,
<3 Jonnie

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