08 September 2011

Artist Interview: minus

Around a year ago I was perusing through an etsy search for "messenger bags." The search was all in vain (even though I was unaware of its vanity) because my lovely boyfriend had already ordered me a moop bag that would arrive a few days later for my birthday. 
The search yielded many lovely finds, including the moop bag I adored, but then I saw this:

 And entered a state of near instant covet. I didn't impulsively buy, I always take the time, sometimes days and weeks to think my "want(s)" over but this time it didn't help because a couple days later I had a brand new bag and a minor case of the , "aw shoots!" 

I then decided that this bag would be my next bag, but would have to patiently wait until my new bag accrued some age.

I added minus to my favorites and checked his store frequently to daydream. Finally I mustered up the courage to ask him to do an interview and he said, "yes!" Without further ado, meet Julian of minus:
1. Who are you/tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Julian and I live and work in the Black Country, Great Britain. I have been married to my wife Steph for over 12 years and recently I've become a dad to my twin daughters Kayleigh and Danielle; they're 8 months old now.

I graduated with a Fashion design degree from London and worked within the fashion industry for a number of years before jumping in at the deep end and start working for myself.
minus fold top in cedarwood
2. What are some of your favorite things to do?
Besides spending time with my family and running the business, I have very little time for anything. I do enjoy getting out into nature and growing my own fruit and vegetables (organic of course!), but I must admit I don't have the time to get the results that I ought to.

3. What three words best describe your personality?
Creative, sincere, determined

4. How would you describe your artistic style?
Minimal, clean, modern and pragmatic.
minus sushi purse

5. What kinds of things do you make and sell?
High quality handmade bags, purses and accessories for everyone, made from high quality materials sourced entirely from local shops and British and Italian manufacturers.

6. If you had to be trapped in a book, which one would it be and why?
I would say any of the Harry Potter books, but that may be too predictable, so I will say Le Petit Prince. I just love sunsets and it is the only book to have made me cry everytime I have ever read it.

minus toblerone pouch

7. Where did the inspiration for your shop name, minus, come from?
Well, I've always been a believer of less is more, and that by stripping away the unnecessary you are left with a more versatile design. Also, I feel strongly about the throwaway culture of recent times. I hope to help consumers change to stop buying cheap poor quality products that need to be replaced frequently, by creating quality products that will last much longer and easy to use everyday.
8. What drew you to creating?
Tailoring has been in my family for a number of generations, but I simply saw a fashion show of John Galliano in the late 80s and immediately knew I was meant to be doing something in fashion.
9. Do you have any other job aside from your awesome shop?
No, I work full-time on running my business only.
minus saddle pouch

10. What words of wisdom could would you give to aspiring create-tees?
Never stand still. You must keep pushing yourself creatively and not grow comfortable with what you are doing otherwise you'll get left behind. Even though I run a small handmade brand, I still evolve my designs further and keep introducing new styles, fabrics, colours, etc..

Here are some of minus' discontinued styles that I also adore
minus carrylight

minus tote
 The honeycomb is also discontinued but minus welcome's custom orders! Thank goodness!

You can see more of minus' line at the shop and learn more about minus at the minus blog. Much thanks to Julian for your time and interest!!

minus shop - http://www.etsy.com/shop/minus
minus blog - http://minuslifestyle.blogspot.com/

Have a great day, lovelies!!

<3 Jonnie

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