08 December 2010

Story Time

Mondays are usually manic...or at least have the potential to be...I mean, there is a song about the craziness of Mondays so you know something has it out for you on this fateful day.
But, let's get to the point here. Nothing can be as mortifying as being hit by a car...but this act is even INCREASINGLY terrible if it occurs on a Monday.

December 6, 2010 I watched a teen-aged boy get hit by a car. Thankfully he was not hurt at all...and incidentally his episode was one of the most amazing things I have EVER seen in my life. I have very roughly sketched the scene for you:

Meet figure 1a. He is a 14-16 year old male who is rocking black, curly hair and specs. He has a hoodie on, both hands concealed warmly in his pocket and some pants. Stereotypically, he was the black-haired version of Napoleon Dynomite.

Meet figure 1 b. This is a classy old woman car. Champagne colored...probably a Lincoln...with a mid to late aged woman behind the wheel. She wants to make a right hand turn to beat the cars who just got their green light...she forgets to look for PEOPLE and nails Napoleon who has barely taken three steps.

Napoleon's leg fly up, his head doesn't touch the car, and he manages to keep his hands in that hoodie pocket of his.

Napoleon LANDS ON TWO FEET and doesn't even acknowledge the woman who almost killed him. The woman is flipping out but decides to just pull over and let him continue walking.

Hands still deep in that sturdy pocket of his, he walks away...no limp, no nothing....NEVER looking back.

It was like getting hit by a car was apart of his everyday routine. I had the giggles the rest of the day...and still do.

On a totally unrelated more "standard" blog note, I have a sweet little DIY project coming up and some pillow case sets almost ready for photography! So stay tuned folks!!

And remember, when crossing the street look BOTH ways and make sure those right-hand-turner's see you!!

(Napoleon, you're awesome, you're like super man! I hope you're truly are okay :)

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