08 September 2010

The Faintal Cut!!!! (pause, switch gaze to other camera) And in Other News, Old Soccer Buttons

Lately, my life has consisted of quite a bit of drama...
actually, that is partially a fib...it was mostly last week that consisted of quite a bit of drama and now I feel like writing about it dramatically, lucky you!

First off, this is my gold-encrusted parking permit for the fall semester. Please look at it, cherish it, covet it, and then tell me how badly you wish you could get your hands on it...seriously, it will make me feel A LOT better after spending $293 bucks so I could park on campus. The price one pays to work and learn simultaneously...but like my fine friend, Jenni, said....at least it's not as much as parking at UCLA.

Okay, I don't really want to go in number order so I will carry on as normal...gosh, it feels good to get that little rant out of me!!

Biopsychology I ended up dropping. Why? Well, the teacher did scare the ba-jees-us out of me (I will not deny that) and it ended up being a class that would not meet any requirement for my upper divisions...which means a lot of stress for nothing. What this does mean is a not so hectic work schedule, devoted time to the other three classes, more of a social life, and more time for making stuffs!!

Back to the beginning of the entry...why was last week so dramatic?
Well, let's just say I made a boo-boo at work, literally.
While cleaning the frozen shelves--maniacally--I managed to slice the top of (my right hand's) middle finger with a razor blade. It was a clean half inch cut that bled pretty good...
good enough to make me faint.
Pathetic, OH YES! Hilarious, oh yes! Embarrassing, oh entirely!
I was so weak after my little episode that one of the awesome demo ladies, who had been helping me before I fainted and after, kindly offered/insisted to drive me home and have her husband drive my car so I wouldn't have to worry about my car situation. What a woman.
The next morning it began to bleed a little through the bandaid. I thought I had it under control but ended up needing JB to help me. (I know what you're thinking, "What a survival trait!!")

A couple night's later, I burnt popcorn in the microwave at work and everyone thought the store was on fire...or was about to catch fire...yeah.

In other news, JB's mom gave me some of his old soccer buttons when we visited a couple weeks ago...and they're just too precious NOT to share <3

love, Jonnie

PS: later to come--The Easel Art show, up'n'coming windeymoor projects, and new ideas for the windeymoor blog!!


  1. oh, J-love, I miss you! hope San Marcos is awesome! let me know when you have some time to talk? aaand, you should send me your address, because I have something to sen your way. :)

  2. Oh, my dear Caitlin!! I miss you too!!!!!!

    I will send you 411 right now!



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