28 August 2011

Windeymoor Sells in Downtown San Diego!!

This past Saturday (August 27th) I had the opportunity to sell my windeymoor goods at the Industry Showroom (Bohemian Market) in downtown San Diego. I can't say I expected much, especially after I was all set up, because the foot traffic we were getting was far less than I anticipated.
Needless to say, I did pretty well for the slowness and came out ahead, which really gave me a confidence boost in my work. Here are some shots of my little area:

I made the sign myself :) I can make one for you too, if you like, just email me.

The journals/notebooks were a pretty big hit!! I'm excited about that because I REALLY like making them :) I love journals.

Pillowcases. Difficult market.

Headbands, photographs, june scarves

Necklaces and art.

The show went on from 12-8pm but I packed up about 5:15pm or so. I made some friends though, probably the coolest part of the show. You can check their stuff out here:
Justine!!! of  Friendly Feather Shop, Matt Hartless of Consuul Printing and Design, and Susana of Urban Yogi

I also came home with spoils ^_^ I got a shirt from Popular Naughty AND my new favorite accessory: my friendly feather ear cuff!!!!!!!

LOVE IT. LOVE LOVE LAHVE. Jb likes it a lot too!!
After that we headed up to Hillcrest while we waited for Jb's truck to get fixed. We ate at a new BBQ place with a good friend and then perused the stellar-nicity that is this charming section of San Diego. It was an amazing day...a day that filled me with much gratefulness for not only the area in which I live but the abilities and excitement of others around me that inspire and encourage you. I also must say that I am head over heels thankful for the support, encouragement, and advice given to me from Jb...words can't convey how much more yesterday meant to me because you were there. I love you.

In other, less sentimental news (clears throat,) I start school tomorrow morning! AH!
Last year before official graduation...but rumor has it I may stick around an extra semester to take classes I want to take, but we'll see.

In etsy store news I will be uploading new items starting Tuesday. I apologize for letting the store run down so much but I was quite worried about having things to sell at the Bohemian Market.

Thanks everyone for your support and good wishes. I wish you all the same :)

love, jonnie


  1. AHHHH I didn't know you were selling there!! I got the fb invite but I didn't know what it was for!!
    I'm the worst cousin EVER.
    I'm sorry :( :(
    Looks really rad though!!

  2. Psssssh-aw! You are the BEST cousin ever :)
    It wasn't that big of deal, for serious.
    Thanks for thinking it looks rad :)



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